Anda akan menggunakan koin dari saldo Anda untuk join turnamen ini
Anda bisa me-reset skor saat ini dan coba kembali.
Begitu selesai, progres di turnamen ini akan berakhir dan anda akan mulai dari awal.
Required coins
Saldo Anda
Gunakan Koin & Join
Reset dan Coba lagi

Apakah Anda yakin ingin keluar dari game?


Membutuhkan satu to be utilized.

Your Balance will be reset to STC and all your progress for the day will be lost. Are you sure you want to proceed?


Anda telah aktif di game lain

Apakah Anda ingin mengakhiri game sebelumnya dan membuka yang ini


Anda sudah aktif dalam game

Apakah Anda ingin mengakhiri game dan reset


Your Balance will be reset to STC and all your progress for the day will be lost. Are you sure you want to proceed?

Anda perlu to reset the balance

Required coins
Saldo Anda

Anda sudah aktif dalam game

Apakah Anda ingin mengakhiri permainan, membeli tiket dan reset


Anda tidak memiliki cukup koin untuk membeli


Hadiah uang di turnamen ini akan dibayarkan dalam bentuk Fasttoken (FTN)

Baca selengkapnya tentang Fasttoken (FTN) di Panduan Metode Pembayaran Fasttoken (FTN) kami.di sini

Anda akan menggunakan satu tiket untuk bergabung turnamen ini.

dilarang untuk bergabung
Saya mengerti, gabung

Selamat Datang di Social Tournaments Store

Level Up! Di sini kamu dapat menggunakan koin hasil jerih payahmu untuk berbagai item yang akan membuat pengalamanmu di Social Tournament menjadi lebih luar biasa! Beli beberapa Roda Hadiah, Tiket, Kotak Harta, Merchandise, dan banyak lainnya!

Saldo: 0
Spin untuk Menang!
Rare Prize Wheel
1500 Koin

Rare Prize Wheel

Epic Prize Wheel
3000 Koin

Epic Prize Wheel

Legendary Prize Wheel
6000 Koin

Legendary Prize Wheel

Berdasarkan Kategori
Rare Prize Wheel
Rare Prize Wheel
Take the chance and spin the wheel and win up to 11250 Coins, Golden Tickets to the Monthly Tournaments, Lootboxes to crack open or upgrade to the Epic wheel for even bigger prizes! What prize will you win? Spin now!
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 1500 Koin
Epic Prize Wheel
Epic Prize Wheel
In this Epic Wheel the prizes are bigger and better! Here you can win up to 22500 Coins, Lootboxes or a Golden Ticket to the Monthly Tournament. There is also a good chance to upgrade to the Legendary wheel. Spin now to get a prize!
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 3000 Koin
Legendary Prize Wheel
Legendary Prize Wheel
Ahh, the famous Legendary Wheel! Win up to a crazy 45000 Coins to spend on more Wheels or in the Store. There are Golden Tickets to the Monthly and Weekly Tournaments and if you are lucky you could even win up to €2 in Free Cash Prizes. Dare to Spin?
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 6000 Koin
Exclusive Eternal Empress
Exclusive Eternal Empress
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 3000 Koin
Exclusive Freya
Exclusive Freya
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 3000 Koin
Exclusive Mining Rush
Exclusive Mining Rush
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 3000 Koin
Exclusive Year of the Snake Princess
Exclusive Year of the Snake Princess
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 3000 Koin
Exclusive Fonzo
Exclusive Fonzo
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 3000 Koin
S22 Golden Ticket
S22 Golden Ticket
Fancy another go in the Monthly Tournament? Good Luck!
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 1000 Koin
2025 Week 14 Ticket
2025 Week 14 Ticket
Use this ticket to participate in the Weekly Final Tournament (Week 14)
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 2500 Koin
Monday Ticket
Monday Ticket
Used in order to participate or retry in the 24 hours long Monday tournament (held every Monday).
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 2000 Koin
Tuesday Ticket
Tuesday Ticket
Used in order to participate or retry in the 24 hours long Tuesday tournament (held every Tuesday).
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 2000 Koin
Wednesday Ticket
Wednesday Ticket
Used in order to participate or retry in the 24 hours long Wednesday tournament (held every Wednesday).
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 2000 Koin
Thursday Ticket
Thursday Ticket
Used in order to participate or retry in the 24 hours long Thursday tournament (held every Thursday).
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 2000 Koin
Friday Ticket
Friday Ticket
Used in order to participate or retry in the 24 hours long Friday tournament (held every Friday).
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 2000 Koin
Game Clash Reset Ticket
Game Clash Reset Ticket
Use this ticket to reset your Cash Clash credits. Good luck!
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 1500 Koin
2025 Week 14 Lootbox
2025 Week 14 Lootbox
Lootbox and a chance for a ticket in the Weekly Finals (week 14)
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 2000 Koin
Monday-Friday Lootbox
Monday-Friday Lootbox
Find Monday-Friday tickets used to participate in the 24 hours long tournaments held on those days.
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 1800 Koin
S22 Legendary Lootbox
S22 Legendary Lootbox
Are you legendary enough for this seasonal Lootbox?
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 3000 Koin
S22 Epic Lootbox
S22 Epic Lootbox
Enjoy some epic-ness with the Epic Lootbox from this season.
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 1500 Koin
S22 Rare Lootbox
S22 Rare Lootbox
Contains rare items and perhaps some free cash prizes?
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 750 Koin
S22 Uncommon Lootbox
S22 Uncommon Lootbox
A tad bit more exclusive than the Common box.
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 500 Koin
S22 Common Lootbox
S22 Common Lootbox
Crack this box open, find your favourite avatars and emojis from this season.
Saldo: Koin
Harga: 250 Koin
Thanks for buying 

Buka Kotak!
Go to collections!
Jangan ingatkan lagi
Spin untuk Menang!
Undi Tim Anda!
Level /3 -
Putar Roda!
Join Tournament!
Join Tournament!
An extra {{name}} has been added to your collection!